Agile vs Waterfall
I have come to dislike “agile vs waterfall” discussions. “Agile vs waterfall” is a false dipole which leads to confusion about agile. The term “waterfall” is simply a description of a problematic, default approach to developing software.
Software Craftsmanship:
Time To Pay The PiperJason Gorman says computing education is in decline. I say it isn’t; it’s just that computing education never has been truly the purvey of universities.
Why Software Craftsmanship
Is A Tough SellIt can be difficult for proponents of Software Craftsmanship to land work, especially when pitching Software Craftsmanship on its merits. What should we make of the fact that large companies tend to have be more resistant to software craftsmanship?
TDD Is Dead;
Long Live TDDEveryone’s extolling TDD these days. Well, almost everyone. Some conversationalists at SDTconf ’09 debated whether the honeymoon may be over.